If you are a representative of a drug or alcohol rehab located in the state of Illinois you can add your facility information for free. You are only required to sign-up for membership to Illinois Drug Rehabs.
Please note that we only accept free listings from treatment programs located in Illinois. If your facility is not located in Illinois, but you would like to be featured on one or more of the pages of Illinois Drug Rehabs, you may apply to be a site sponsor, which requires an advertising fee.
To add your free listing, do this:
- Sign-up for Membership
- Verify your Membership using the verification link in the email we send you upon registration.
- In your internet browser, go to any page of Illinois Drug Rehabs
- Log in to Illinois Drug Rehabs at the bottom right of all pages of the site.
- Click on the Add Entry link at the bottom under the heading Member Help
- Enter your drug or alcohol rehab facilities details, including your address, phone numbers, the types of drug treatment you provide and a description of your facility. Please feel free to describe your facility as well as you’d like. We want our visitors to have as much information as possible when selecting a treatment progam and unlike most sites, we don’t charge by the word (or at all).
- Select which category you would like your drug rehab to be listed in. We allow upto five categories per listing, as we understand that your facility may offer several different types of addiction treatment services.
- You will have an option to upload your logo or images of your facility for a small fee. You are NOT obligated to add these images for a free listing and this fee is simply to cover the storage space of your images on our server.
- Click the submit button. Your entry will then be reviewed by our administrator and, if no errors are present, your entry will be approved.
New Features Coming Soon
In addition to the robust ways in which we present your facility to potential clients, we are adding new features to our directory in 2008. Specifically, we will be adding the ability for our users to search by their location for the treatment facilities closest to them. Currently, we offer an interactive Google map based on your location, so please be certain that you have correctly entered your drug rehabs address.
Another addition in 2008 will be the ability to upload additional images and media to your listing. As you may know, some drug rehabs have images galleries, virtual tours and video tours of their facilites on their own websites. This new feature will allow those facilities with multiple images or video to display their video in their listing at Illinois Drug Rehabs. We hope to have this additional feature added by September of 2008